Web3 First

The benefits of decentralisation, security, and longevity of content and apps are becoming more accessible to the average normilio.

Web3 First
Photo by Shubham Dhage / Unsplash

Lately I've been getting more involved in the Web3 world. The benefits of decentralisation, security, and longevity of content and apps are becoming more accessible to the average normilio.

I think it's almost possible to do everything you would do normally on the internet (email, social media, websites, events, sales, etc) on Web3. This means you can own your data, remove the costs of 3rd parties between transactions, and transact safely using your digital wallet.

Rather then just tell you, let me show you! This is a link to my Base profile: https://www.base.org/name/jahmaal

Notice how it functions like a link tree page but with even more functionality. You can send payments, subscribe to mindfulness updates, or buy merch directly on that page with the click of a button and approving it in your wallet! It is way simpler and faster than purchasing something on an old school web2 site.

So I'm going to try create things with Web3 in mind first. Stay tuned for more!

In the mean time, check out my hypersub and subscribe to updates there!

If you're not sure where to start with Web3, get the Coinbase wallet. Then you can connect to most Web3 sites and be a part of the next era of internet.

Oh, and this site you're reading this on, jahm.xyz, is a Web3 name and resolves to my Ethereum address.